giovedì 18 aprile 2013

Ch-ch-changes II

Life is made of changes. Or at least mine is, as I wrote on my last post. A long time passed between that post and this one and many more things have changed.
When I wrote the last post a very difficult period was coming to an end, or maybe that's what I wanted to believe. Since then I had the opportunity to share a lot with people from all over the world, I traveled, I built gardens on the top of buildings and on the ground, I met people who were —and are— ready to fight and live on a structure built on a rooftop and only supported by cables in order to keep their dreams alive, I climbed trees, I was sad and I was happy and I was hurt and I was alive. I changed my home, I'm building myself a new life without physically moving very much —unlike what usually happens when I change the more— and seeing new friends enjoying a chat and a drink in the last sun of the day, surrounded by trees, I'm sure that the changes that are happening are for good. Like they (almost?) always are, no matter how bad and scary and dolorous they appear at first. Most of the time it's a matter of perceptions. The problem is the solution.
I would say that besides being made of changes, life is made for changes. One needs to be able to foresee them. Needs to be open to changes. Needs not to be afraid of them. Because one only starts to live when they abandon their comfort zone —however wide it might beand start to experience life. Or maybe life —everybody's life— IS because there is change. Because otherwise it would just be an eat-sleep-work-fuck-sleep-work-die survival process. Or Produci consuma crepa (Produce, consume, die) like CCCP more elegantly say.
Life is change.

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